I frequently give talks and am quoted in articles about the FOI Act. If you want me to speak at your event, a quote for an article or report, or to generally pick my brains then drop me an email: mattburgess100@gmail.com.
BBC Radio 2: Jeremy Vine show: I went on Jeremy Vine’s BBC Radio 2 show to discuss the FOI Act, the government’s review of it, and whether requests are a burden.
Press Gazette: Met admits not ‘vexatious’ to ask for details of how force accessed journalists’ call records: PG report on my FOI battle with the Met police – the police finally conceded that my request about RIPA use on journalists and their sources.
Daily Mirror: Public’s right to know under threat as ministers set up ‘review’ of Freedom of Information law: I am quoted by the Mirror on the government’s announcement of a review committee that is going to look at (and destroy) the FOI Act.
Press Gazette: How to make sure your FoI request hits the right target and doesn’t waste time: An extract from my book, which covers one of the most important areas of making FOI requests.
Journalism.co.uk: Two FOI tricks every UK journalist should know: An exclusive extract of my book, on the Freedom of Information Act for journalists, was published on Journalism.co.uk.
I appeared live on RT UK (Russia Today) to talk about the government’s plans to alter the Freedom of Information Act.
Huffington Post UK: Gove’s Plans To Curb Government Scrutiny Laws Are An Attempt To ‘Stem The Flow Of Information’, Critics Claim: I am quoted in this Huffington Post UK article which covers the UK government’s plans to detrimentally change the FOI Act.
Daily Mirror: Downing Street accused of cover-up tactics as it’s revealed No10 e-mails self-destruct after 3 months: – I am quoted in this Mirror article about the government’s automatically deleting email processes, which may have been introduced to help them avoid FOI.
Press Gazette: Met bars Guido Fawkes and others from asking RIPA questions amid Press Gazette conspiracy theory: I was included among a number of journalists that the Metropolitan Police branded as being vexatious when questions were asked about the police force’s use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
Journalism.co.uk: FOI Directory updated with appeal templates and more: My website (FOI Directory) is covered by the UK’s leading journalism website. The article features information on updates I made to the website, which include new templates to help people who have had requests rejected and much more.
Journalism.co.uk: 10 years of FOI: Resources and tips for journalists: My FOI Directory website is listed as a top tool for journalists wanting to make FOI requests in the UK.
Journalism.co.uk: #Tip: Advice for making FOI requests in the UK and US: FOI Directory is mentioned as a useful resource for journalists who want to ask officials for information.