I contributed and edited the Education section of the Help Me Investigate community investigation website which is ran by online journalist, author and lecturer Paul Bradshaw.
During this time I produced infographics and used data from official publications for graphs and interactive maps.
These articles covered a range of education issues from the numbers of school places to how long children spend in schools each year.
The following articles were produced for Help Me Investigate Education:
Half of new free schools will be created in London
INFOGRAPHIC: Boys vs Girls absence figures for persistent offenders at special schools
Imperial College London pulls auction of unpaid internship following student opposition
MAPPED: Department for Education spent more than £1m on hotels last year
Department for Education faces scrutiny after responding late to one in five FOI requests
MAPPED: How many hours do children spend at school around the world?
Factcheck: Schoolchildren ‘left behind’ by shorter school days?
12,000 children miss out on chosen secondary school
Mapped: how many children got their chosen school in London